Hecho en Casa Fest: a career-related article

Today I'm going to talk about an article published in the Santiago Times, an independent news source focused exclusively on Chilean current events. On september 29, 2017, they published a note talking about the ''Hecho en Casa'' Fest, an event focused on street and urban art, the essence of this festival is to bring art pieces of different materialities to the transit places of people. 
The article talks about the 2017 version, the fifth edition of the event, and describes the diverse instalations that participated that year. That was the very first time that the instalations was not only displayed on the city of Santiago, but in the harbour of Valparaíso too, where the gigantic floating sculpture of the ''rubber duck'' was exhibited.
Talking about the art that participated that year, there were five pieces of national and international artists. The rubber duck, a giant sculpture that evocates the iconic bathtime toy was made by dutch artist Florentihn Hofman. This sculpture is 20 m tall and 17 m wide and was shown in another parts of the world before Chile. 
Another piece of art that formed part of the 2017 version was a large mural located in Barrio Lastarria. Made by the chilean artist Luis Nuñez San Martín, the hyper-realistic mural recreates a normal day in 1900 and was made on a corner of a building. 
A sand sculpture formed by 120 tons of this material was made outside the MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo) by the english artists of San in Your Eye. It consists in faces of latin american tribal people. 
The australian group The Glue Society displayed an instalation hanging between buildings in Paseo Bulnes, a big washing line.
The last piece was made by chilean artist Valeria Merina, displayed on the Entel Tower: five giant butterflies placed on the tower. A beautiful spectacle.
My all time favorite piece of that year was the rubber duck. Not precisely because of the work of art by itself, but the controversy and all the News aparition of the installation. Another show. The Hecho en Casa Fest is a good iniciative to bring art to the streets, close to people and away from the traditional four walls of galleries and museums that not everyone wants to cross. 


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