A movie that I love and a movie that I hate

This is an easy topic to talk about it and I have my answers very clear.

The movie that I swore to love until the day I die over all the movies in the world, even when better films exists, is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's been my favorite since I was a kid and I saw it with my grandmom on Isat channel. I couldn't even read the full phrases of the dialogues, it was too intricate for me too completely understand the plot but I fall in love of the scenes and the actors. I saw it again when I was a couple years older for a class of cinematography and we analized the film in different aspects. I felt in love again and even more than before, I was finally able to understand it. 
This movie is of 2004 and was directed by Michel Gondry and written by Charlie Kaufman, a great guionist, producer and director, known for other films like Adaptation, Being John Malkovich and Synechdoque, New York. The basic plot talks about a man, Joel, who discovers that her girlfriend, Clementine, erased his  image of her memory  by a very rare medical procedure and doesn't remember him. After knowing it, he decides to submit to the procedure as well as her girlfriend and erasing her from his memory. The movie mixes scenes inside the head of Joel and outside, on the real world and the present time. It allows to recreate the story of this couple in different moments of their relationship and ends with a very interesting turn. A very surrealistic and oddly familiar story. Talking about the actors, the main characters are played brightly by Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey (who demostrates that his acting skills are more than only for comedy). I totally recomend this film. 

Image by Buzzfed


Now, the time has come: the worst movie that I ever saw. I wasn't sure about what of all the movies that I hate to mention on this post but I finally go for Sin Filtro, a chilean movie. All of this movie is horrible: the director, Nicolás López, the acting cast, the story. I can't talk too much about it, I don't understand why people love it so much, when even the jokes -because it tries to be a comedy... It tries- are bad. Anyway, the last I can say is that please don't waste your time watching it and prefer another chilean film that's worth it.



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