Strikes, tomas and one objective: non-sexist education
On wednesday it's going to be a march convocated by the Confech against the male chauvinist violence all around the country. This happens in the middle of a mobilization that beggins a few weeks ago in different universities and schools, a movement led and constructed by women.
For the first time in the history of student movilization, the main subject is to get gender equality. The demands that are denounced in this mobilization are aggressions, abuses, harassment, sexist violence and sexist education, among other issues that put to women in an inferior role than men in every aspect of society and in particular the universities reallity. Among the main demands, it searches to eliminate wage and gender gaps between men and women, that teachers be educated and properly formed so that they work in their classrooms from a respectful environment, and that the gender identity of the people be recognized.
My faculty is in strike since last week, joining to the national mobilization that already count 14 universities in toma. In the four years that I've been in university, I never saw a movement spreading so quickly like this. The power that women have to change the awful reality that through history just for being a woman you have to accept is raising. As a woman, as a student, as a feminist, I couldn't be more proud of all of what is happening and all the people fighting against -for years- normalized thoughs and behaviors that are unacceptable.

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